Monday, June 14, 2010

Re Routing Washing Machine Water

kennel cough. It is a dry cough that can give your dog when you together with others in a dirty and infected area within cages and sharing utensils with others. Contract is common for dogs in kennels or pet shops with poor hygiene. This disease is spread by mucus, saliva, sneezing, feeders, cages, etc. If not caught early with proper treatment, your dog may fall into a picture of pneumonia and may die.

symptoms: cough, mucus, serous (clear and odorless) mucus, pus (colored and smelly), depression, prostration, loss of appetite, fever (you'll notice in the abdomen, bearing plantar hot and dry, dry nose) conjunctivitis.

Treatment: Clean and disinfect with chlorine, benzalkonium chloride, sodium hypochlorite or chlorhexidine the area where live your dog, especially if you live with other dogs to prevent reinfection. Isolate sick animals to prevent it from infecting others. If you have only one dog, disinfected the areas where you are and visit to the vet.

Since the respiratory system is very sensitive, do not give any medication such as aspirin, syrups, etc.., It would complicate the problem further. This refers to the vet just one or more of the symptoms mentioned for the vet to recommend the appropriate therapy and the wall as quickly as possible.

canine distemper. It is a viral disease common in young and old animals was not vaccinated. Animals infected clear the virus through all body secretions and urine and feces. The main sources of infection include pet stores, breeders, kennels, etc., When they are dirty and infected.

Symptoms: vary widely, but most common is that this lack of appetite, depression, fever, rhinitis and conjunctivitis abnormal secretions (green slime, pus, etc.), Pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, vomiting, diarrhea, nervous symptoms in the terminal phase.

Prevention: It is possible to improve or eliminate the incidence of disease through vaccination. If you had dogs before it got sick the new puppy, disinfected thoroughly with water, detergent and bleach all areas that dog used to visit for about four consecutive days and rinse thoroughly with water, non-irritating to sensitive parts of the new puppy.

Treatment: A lot depends on your patience in the implementation of treatment prescribed by your veterinarian. If your dog comes to sequels will recover nerve, plantar bearings, like the nose, will be cracked for life. Although this will live an almost normal life.


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