Monday, October 29, 2007

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Frequently Asked Questions about vaginal yeast

What causes vaginal yeast have ?

There are some conditions that increase the likelihood of having vaginal yeast, these causes include:

hormonal _Cambios large, and pregnancy.
_The use of oral contraceptives (birth control pills).
_Diabetes uncontrolled. A high blood sugar can contribute to the reproduction of fungi.
_A weakened immune systems.
_The use of steroids.
_The use of antibiotics. Antibiotics kill bacteria in the body, even in the vagina, allowing the fungi to reproduce and cause infection.

is rare fungal infections are transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact. The men who are couples of women suffering from a fungal infection usually have no symptoms, but some men may have an itchy rash on the penis.

How do you diagnose a yeast infection?

Your healthcare provider will examine you and use a swab to take a sample of the affected area. A laboratory test of the sample will determine if the cause of your symptoms are fungi.

How can I prevent yeast infections?

not use douches, vaginal sprays perfume or other scented products that irritate the vagina. Use cotton panties and pantyhose with cotton crotches to help keep the genital area ventilated. If you have a yeast infection recurring, consult your health care provider about how to prevent them.

When is necessary to see a gynecologist?

need to call your doctor or gynecologist once you have symptoms of vaginal yeast infections, or if you doubt them or not ...
If you start having more symptoms than I had, and understand that those can be vaginal yeast, is need to see.


Friday, October 12, 2007

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What is candidiasis?

candidiasis is a fungal yeast infection, also known as yeast.
Most women contract at least one yeast infection during their lifetime.
Fungal infections are more likely to cause problems just before or after the menstrual period. The balance of organisms in the vagina can be altered by: _The

antibiotics _The
overweight pregnancy diabetes _The
_The HIV

steroids _The fitting underwear made of material such as nylon or lycra that traps moisture and heat, especially in the summer (you wear underwear cotton because it absorbs more moisture.)

. "What are the symptoms of a yeast infection ?

The presence of itching, burning and vaginal itching.
vaginal discharge is thicker than normal white as curd.
Severe infections can cause swelling of the lips of the vagina. Sometimes women have painful urination or frequent urination due to inflammation of the urinary opening.
pain during intercourse.
Some women get yeast infections every month, around the time of the menstrual period. This is due to changes in pH of the vagina.
addition to these symptoms, the man presented with itching in the penis and burning and itching of the foreskin.

"How do you treat these fungi ?

The health care provider uses a cotton swab to take a sample of your vaginal discharge. Put the sample in a microscope slide with a drop of a special chemical. And then examines the vaginal discharge under a microscope to see if there is an overgrowth of yeast.

is based on the correction of the predisposing factors such as low defense and weak, immune, metabolic uncontrolled diabetes and corticosteroids and antibiotics, among others.
Avoid moisture and heat in the affected areas, as this is one of the favorite conditions for Candida.

Your doctor will take appropriate action.

"How can you help prevent ?

is possible that eating a daily cup of yogurt (containing acidophilus bacteria) can help to prevent fungal infections. However, you must understand that eating yogurt alone will not cure or prevent vaginal yeast infections.
always need to see a gynecologist.
