Thursday, February 12, 2009

How To Wash Bloch Ballet Shoes With Le

Smile, are being registered

The other night, while looking statements "inspiring", printed on labels of objects on my desk and my bookshelves, I found suddenly a booklet the size of a coaster, published in 1970 by Editorial Cosmopolitan, called conjuring tricks. " I opened it at random and, in addition to a series of instructions such as "how to make a cigarette disappear," I found a passage that gives some tips for being a good magician. Reading it I found that these recommendations may well be used by the attentive facebook user. He then elaborated this essay in which I compare facebook with an act conjuring.

Guys, do your grace

Here are the tips (the numbering and ordering are mine):

1 - "Do not forget that require submission sleight of news, otherwise we run the risk of producing fatigue in the viewer. "

For those who take their interventions on facebook as a game of controlled exposure in the context of relationships diagrammed for that purpose, delivery of news under the guise of "my state" or "my pictures" or "news" among other common applications, is a recurring practice when not necessary to continue to be perceived, a way of giving to the other entity. Never as true as you stated here idealistic Berkeley "being is being perceived", which identifies the perceived reality.

This entity must give us build us a spectacle calculatedly, our "friends" are the "spectators" of our "privacy." Guy Debord present. Paula Sibila , too.

Yes, facebook is the new workshop and storage for the development of our privacy.
Thus, the regular at Facebook may well be compared to a magician in the show must dispense news, preferably in an entertaining way, to make the game run its course. The "minute" is an imperative. Facebook is the fabric of every minute.

2 - "constantly innovate and act with grace and amenity is as important as the game itself"
Have you ever noticed that almost no aggressive actions offensive on facebook? Is it because everyone chooses their relations framework? Perhaps, but there are a whole system designed for welfare. You can remove a friend in a way so fast as breathtaking. You can report abuse, but above all, can define the scope of our visibility to other . We choose who our friends can do this or that photo or message, or an invitation to events, and those without, for example.
The advice to the magician: "personality, friendliness and good amenities that are the qualities preferred in a magician", you may find a facebook user.
(This policy of selective friendship has always given me to think that facebook is a kind of country: an area enclosed by private security. It is one of the distinguishing features of the facebook, blog, or my space, between al.)

3 - "We must convince the public that what one says he is doing, is making really, although this is not true ..."
not in our daily life can escape the illusion. A representation. Guy Debord already said in his book "The society of the spectacle." But Facebook, the density of its virtuality, gives free rein to this possibility.

4 - "The magician must also ensure that the public help him, unconsciously, in its purposes."

without describing our unsuspecting friends, the establishment links, summaries, notes, photo album covers, can be an important resource to bring our viewers continue walking the path that we propose. To continue playing our game.

5 - "The ideal scenario is one in which the public can only be placed in front, so that there can be no observers around the illusionist"

facebook is also in this kind of relationship in two dimensions. Our viewers are located in a bi-dimensional virtual space. Access to land they propose, but can not surround.

6 - "Not to be committed the mistake of giving back to the audience the "

Facebook is the place where the faces are shown, from the front. Without ruling out alternative practices and cut photos, fake photos, pictures more or less abstract, and even cartoons and caricatures, the role of the "profile picture" on facebook is the frontal presentation of the faces. It is, in general, the face, the ambassador of the embodiment of our "friends." Body image is often cropped to the height of the face. To the best American high school yearbook style (it is said that Facebook was started as fuckbook) .

I have not talked to tricks, the art of the magician. But is that all of the above is "the" trick of sleight-inhabitant of facebook.

So the more we promote the ability to play and recreational tool of identities that we "allowed" to facebook, the more interesting our tricks are virtual.

regard of tricks, Second Life has the potential of recreating identities, subjectivities to its highest expression. Read here.

** The fragments and the photos were taken from: sleight of hand. Series: The handy helper. Edit. Cosmopolitan. 1970. Buenos Aires Page 7 of 26.


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