Friday, June 11, 2010

What Causes Blood And Scabs Inside The Nose?

Dermatology: Bacterial Skin Diseases

any condition is common skin infection finally finished. The name given to skin infection caused by bacteria is pyoderma.

Under the skin layer will reach the classification and severity of the case.

The skin consists of:

stratum corneum epidermis (the pods form follicular, sebaceous glands discharge their contents in hair follicles)
dermis (cells and fibers)
hypodermis (adipose).
In normal skin there are certain mechanisms of defense: Physical

mantle follicle (primary protection)
stratum corneum (the layer of dense cells and inert) plus sebaceous crust that forms on the surface of the stratum corneum, the product of secretions and peeling.
Chemicals (elements on the surface of the skin)
linoleic acid (bactericidal)
soluble substances (inorganic salts and proteins)
items immunity (complement, transferrin, Ig G, M, E, A, Interferons)
Bacteria banal: they live on the surface of the skin (hair infundibulum, where the skin invaginates) in symbiosis, and exchange of growth factors. The number of bacteria is influenced by the skin's pH, salinity, moisture, fatty acids, proteins.
There are two groups of bacteria:

Residents: No pathogenesis and multiply on the skin.
Acinetobacter spp.

Staphylococcus Coagulase + Staphylococcus Coagulase -
Micrococcus spp.
hemolytic Streptococcus
Transients are more aggressive. While on the surface of the skin can not be played, but they are potentially capable of causing pathogenesis of skin alterations to (Help the primary pathogen to aggravate the situation.)
Proteus vulgaris Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Corynebacterium spp.
coli Bacillus spp.
The only primary pathogen is Staphylococcus intermedius. Normally

skin contains a certain amount of bacteria. That population is growing in humid and high temperature and decreases in cold and dry.

The injured skin, as in cases of seborrhea, oily skin, inflammation, even without infection increases the number of bacteria. The increase in the number of bacteria without infection is called bacterial colonization.

(A normal skin pustules is primary infection). Antibiotics

1 st choice

Erythromycin 10 mg / kg every 8 hours. Lincomycin
22 mg / kg every 12 hours. Clindamycin
5 to 11 mg / kg every 12 hours.
Antibiotics used in resistant infections or prolonged therapy

Cephalexin 22 mg / kg every 12 hours. Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid
22 mg / kg every 12 hours. Sulfas
powered 30 mg / kg every 12 hours
Rifamicin 5 to 10 mg / kg / day. (It is very good for deep pyoderma but resistance occurs quickly.
Antibiotics used in mixed infections

In immunocompromised animals (eg demodeccia) occur as mixed infections would be more convenient to use more broad-spectrum antibiotics that target G-, and Pseudomonas the most common. Enrofloxacin

2.5 to 5 mg / kg every 12 hours. Norfloxacin
22 mg / kg every 12 hours
Ciprofloxacin 10 to 15 mg / kg every 12 hours.
Amikacin 10 mg / kg every 12 hours (iny.)
Gentamicin 2 mg / kg every 8 hours (iny.)
These antibiotics in turn can be combined, eg. Amikacin + gentamicin. Antiseptics and immunomodulating

benzoyl peroxide (POB) Chlorhexidine

Levamisole 2.2 mg / kg every 48 hours.
Coriovaccine (drops) 1 drop / kg in fasting
Stavaccine (Blisters) 10 ampoules. 1 every 4 days. (Injectable bacterins)
antiseptics used in the external treatment in baths with shampoo containing iodinepovidone, POB 2.5% (excellent for deep pyoderma but has the disadvantage of being a little annoying), or chlorhexidine (great for less superficial pyoderma aggressive).

The pyoderma are classified by depth: Surface Pyoderma

: involve only the stratum corneum with erosion.
superficial pyoderma: also involve the stratum corneum, stratum subcorneal and infundibular surface portion of the hair follicle.
deep pyoderma: besides of the above, involves the depth of the hair follicle (folliculitis) and breaks it (furunculosis). The infection may spread to the dermis (cellulitis) or fat (panniculitis) and can take out fistulized address in the form of honeycomb. Surface Pyoderma

growth of pathogenic bacteria without causing severe infections.

presentations we see are:

1. Dermatitis pyotraumatic (heating pad) (acute moist dermatitis)

2. Intertrigo (skin fold pyoderma of)


Dermatitis is a disorder caused by self-induced trauma by the animal through biting, scratching or rubbing to relieve an itching or pain. Predisposing causes

Hypersensitivity to flea allergies in general that cause itching all over his body.
anal sac disorders. Otitis

Foreign bodies in the mantle dirty hair follicle mantle

painful musculoskeletal disorders (less common). Presentation

overnight lesions appear agglutinated hairs with a sticky proteinaceous exudate with a strong odor, sour, unpleasant. The skin is red, moist exudate and the edges are well net. It gives more in summer (summer sores).

is self-limiting because the pain caused by the animal stop scratching.

The heating pad is always in the area near where there is itching.

As dries very adherent crusts. Treatment

not require systemic antibiotics.

1) Toilette (shaving the area)

2) Clean with antiseptic solution (Pervinox diluted, hydrogen peroxide)

3) local anti-inflammatory. You can prepare a warm brine 1 tablespoon boiling magnesium sulfate or sodium chloride quart of water and applied twice daily. Seca injury by osmotic action.

4) In topically:

1) antibiotic plus corticosteroid cream or

2) aerosol (N terracortil antibiotic, corticosteroid and antifungal)

5) oral prednisone for 7-10 days (0.5 - 1 mg / kg / day).

preventive measure is to keep the hair and ears clean and free of fleas and clean anal sacs. Intertrigo

erosion is rubbing skin against skin. There is an inflammatory state with poor air circulation and if mixed with a fluid, macerated skin, softens and pyoderma occurs, without being very important is annoying and very unpleasant smell by releasing volatile fatty acids.

Causes Friction between skin and skin

humidity in the presence of secretions and excretions (tears, urine, saliva)
anatomical defects of race: ex. Shar pei, Bulldog who have skin folds on the face produced a facial fold pyoderma. The Cocker, with pendulous lips, lip fold pyoderma. In obese dogs, including mammary lines, and skinfold pyoderma pyoderma perivulvar. At Bulldog, with its tail cut very short, tail pyoderma. Treatment

not require systemic antibiotics.

Medical treatment is only palliative. Use a shampoo with POB at 2.5% and the application of gel with 5% POB.

In some cases the definitive treatment is surgery of the fold. In other cases

enough to take the animal to lose weight and folds away. In some cases

spayed females that produce fat and atrophy of the vulva sometimes associated with urinary incontinence, where there is a pyoderma perivulvar can try an estrogen therapy and control incontinence caused by castration. (Estrogen makes the vulva hypertrophy).

ECP is used 0.25 to 0.5 cc SC injection every 60 days.
Superficial pyoderma

presentations we see are:

1. Impetigo

2. Mucocutaneous pyoderma

3. Superficial bacterial folliculitis

4. Dermatophilosis (given in horses by a yeast in small almost invisible). Impetigo

Classical pyoderma puppy until puberty. Predisposing causes

parasites and viruses

dirty environments immune-mediated diseases Malnutrition

Features Granite or pustules that break easily and leave scabs
balding areas (armpits, groin)
not painful No itchy

not involve the hair follicle are subcórneas

If present in adult animals is due to a more serious because they are animals suffering from hypothyroidism, Cushing or diabetes.
large pustules, weak, easily broken, they can coalesce.
Sometimes kittens by the mother's excessive care (licking) can impetigo lesions on the neck and face (most common organism in these cases is Pasteurella). Treatment

1) Correcting the underlying problem

2) Antibiotic: 1 st choice, eg. Lincomycin for 2-3 weeks.

3) Bathrooms daily with chlorhexidine shampoo (for superficial pyoderma).

4) In older animals to determine if there are hypothyroidism, Cushing or diabetes. Mucocutaneous Pyoderma

Not a Pyoderma very common.

occurs around the mouth, eyes, anus.

The German shepherd starts at the corner of the lips and extends around the mouth.

Differential Diagnosis Autoimmune Diseases

Zn deficiency. Treatment

Systemic antibiotics: Erythromycin, Lincomycin for 21 days.

antibiotic cream (mupirocin = Bactroban is a pharmacy): Apply to all the mouth area. Superficial bacterial folliculitis

includes 90% of cases of canine pyoderma.

infection is the portion of the hair follicle suerficial S. intermedius. Predisposing causes

Manto dirty hair.
seborrhea (skin oil).
Ectoparasites (Demodex, fleas).
Hormonal factors (hypothyroidism, Cushing).
local irritants. Allergies
This can cause alterations of the skin and predispose to infection and folliculitis is the most common. Presentation

The lesion begins with a papule, pustule that passing leaves a crusty area around it and a central alopecia and hyperpigmentation. The lesions expand into collar or porthole.

In animals with short hair folliculitis appears as small elevations similar to mosquito bites. Scraping the lesion may remove the crust, leaving an alopecia.

As the lesions extend the follicle mantle takes moth-eaten appearance. (Hairless zones extend in the form of oil stain).

old injuries predominate in hyperpigmentation.

In animals with long hair is flaking, crusting, and alopecia.

may or may not itch. Treatment

If a patient scratches have folliculitis, try it and see what happens after the itching.

Antibiotics: Lincomycin and erythromycin for 3 weeks. Bathrooms
daily or every two days with chlorhexidine.
After that two things can happen:

1) The animal has no injuries but is still scratching. Then it can be:

1) allergy

base 2) fleas, lice and other ectoparasites

3) pruritic disease

2) The animal has no more injury and itching disappears. Then a base box not itchy and itching was due to infection. This table reflects:

1) causes seborrhea hormonal, nutritional, idiopathic, lack of dietary lipids.

2) bacterial hypersensitivity. Allergy S. intermedius (type II reaction). In this case we can use vaccines (Stavaccine, 1 vial every 4 days SC.) or drops (Coriovaccine, 1 drop / kg / day fasting).

Both can be combined with antibiotics.

If folliculitis is no itch: Antibiotics

If injuries are healed and no itching, it was seborrhea causes hormonal, nutritional, and idiopathic or lack of lipids.

(No one knows why seborrhea causes itching in some cases and in others not).
Deep pyoderma

Involving deeper layers of the skin.

superficial pyoderma are extensions that extend deep mishandling not fully determine the underlying cause by antibiotics combined with corticosteroids, or if treatment is successful there may be underlying causes that are important to reach a podermia deep.

deep folliculitis, furunculosis and cellulitis

The origin of the whole complex is always folliculitis, this can lead to furunculosis and cellulitis.

most common etiologic agents are S. intemedius, dermatophytes and Demodex canis. Predisposing causes

Demodeccia: always do skin scrapings, no matter the age of the animal. Dermatophytosis

widespread endocrine abnormalities, hypothyroidism, Cushing, sex hormones. Seborrhea
chronic. Immunosuppression
(very common).
Adverse drug reactions (eg, cephalexin). Presentation

manifestations include follicular pustules that break easily and leave scabs, there may be sinus tracts with purulent or seropurulent content that comes out when you press the injury.

animals can lick appearing ulcers.

skin weakens and takes a dark color, black.

During the exam, due to weakening of the skin ulcers can occur spontaneously in a zig zag and there is slight pressure before discharge.

have a very unpleasant sour smell.

In cats there are predisposing factors such as ulcers fights (very common cause) and diseases affecting the immune system.

The primary pathogen is S. intermedius, but often in chronic cases may be other, so you have to do a culture for bacteria and fungi (usually appears Pseudomonas). (In the antibiogram have to choose the antibiotic to which S. intermedius was sensitive and that controlling it is very likely to be resolved pyoderma).

Diagnosis: To quickly view the severity of the injury, through the amount of bacteria, neutrophils, etc..
Routine scale-to rule demodeccia.
Biopsy may reveal underlying pathologies.
blood studies: to determine the immune status. An animal with normal immune system responds to a pyoderma with a white blood cell count and lymphocyte 15.000/cc over 1.000/cc. If the values \u200b\u200bare lower than we are facing an immunocompromised animal.

Treatment Antibiotics: Cephalexin for 1.5 to 3 months. Cephalexin is used to be bactericidal, well tolerated and with little resistance (hence should be reserved for deep pyoderma).
(For example, in the interdigital demodeccia adult in English Sheepdog, a rebel if you can combine cephalexin + gentamicin injection.)

Bathrooms: with POB or ethyl lactate. You should cut your hair for more efficient toilets.
deep folliculitis, furunculosis pyotraumatic

predisposing causes:

acute moist dermatitis.

There are breeds like the Siberian, Labrador, St. Bernard from a heating pad to reach a deep pyoderma. Treatment

not give steroids for 6 weeks minimum. Bathrooms
day with POB
Application of mupirocin cream.
deep folliculitis, furunculosis nasal

is located on the bridge of the nose, long-nosed dogs, dolichocephalic breeds.

deep infection is a very painful and very rare.

papules or pustules quickly reach deep furunculosis. Predisposing causes

continuous local trauma

Raza (pastors, pointer, dolichocephalic races) Differential Diagnosis

There are many diseases that cause damage to the bridge of the nose. We must make a mark and see neutrophils and coconuts to confirm the infection and if not found bacteria make the differential diagnosis: Mycosis

(M. gypseum)
Lupus, discoid on the Collie.
canine pemphigus foliaceus. Systemic Lupus

Zn deficiency.
do a biopsy to detect autoimmune diseases.

Treatment is usually very effective. Fomentos

warm antiseptic solutions such as Pervinox, 2 times per day or more water Alibur water (equal parts) 2 times / day.
Application of antibiotics and steroid creams. Antibiotics
(minimum 4 weeks).
deep folliculitis, furunculosis muzzle

Predisposing causes Puberty Acne

canine breeds (Boxer, Bulldog, Great Dane, German Shepherd, Dobermann).
appears on the chin and lips of certain short-haired dogs canine linked to acne.

Generally the owner finds out by accident. Tends to disappear by puberty.

It is related to sexual hormonal status (juvenile acne) (Acne: changes in the sebaceous glands that can become contaminated).

The animal game, you can scratch and cause such injuries.

also occurs in cats.

Local Treatment with daily baths with shampoo 2.5% POB and POB creams or gels with 5% or Bactroban.

is made daily until resolved and then 1-2 times a week until puberty.

If the problem continues after puberty is unlikely to be cured and never have to control it forever.

In adults it is more local antibiotic treatment for 4-6 weeks.

maintenance is done with a pharmacy prepared fluorcinolona acetonide 0.01% and DMSO 60% 1-2 times per week.

In more severe cases extends to the side of the chest and neck. Generally respected the head and forelegs.

The origin is unknown but is believed that the cause is genetic and some animals have found that some elements precipitate infection: atopy, hypothyroidism, immunodeficiency, hypersensitivity bacterial demodeccia.

In these cases, if there is no underlying cause, it is prolonged antibiotic therapy.

There are two ways to do:

pulse therapy:

the antibiotic is given until the problem is solved, for example. 12 weeks. After 12 weeks followed, eg., The following scheme:

During the first month, 1 week with treatment, rest Week 2, Week 3 treatment, 4 th week break.

During the second month: Week 1 treatment, 2 nd and 3 rd week break, week 4 treatment.

During the third month: Week 1 treatment, 2 nd, 3 rd and 4 th week break.

(A Tonelli gives best result stabilizing therapy treatment in a week and another week of rest).

suboptimal dose therapy:

After 12 weeks, the animal is clinically well follow the following schedule:

Eg. 100 mg every 48 hours for 2 weeks.

then 50 mg every 48 hours for 2 weeks, and so the dose is lowered. Furunculosis

acral lick
is common Dobermann, German Shepherd, Great Dane. Predisposing causes

continuous Lamido of carpals / tarsals, metacarpals / metatarsals.
acral lick dermatitis (boredom, neurosis). Allergy Trauma

musculoskeletal pain
Whatever the cause is a deep pyoderma, then before hearing the case must be given antibiotics for three months and apply fluorcinolona + DMSO twice a day.

If a member is involved only in general is panic.

If more than one member affected, think of another problem.

morbid multifaceted and complex
phlogistic (inflammatory) affecting the interdigital spaces of hands and feet. Predisposing causes

Bodies strange, irritating substances
Allergies (contact, food, atopy)

Fungal and bacterial parasites (demodeccia)
sterile pyogranulomas
psychogenic factors and immunosuppression

Hypothyroidism Autoimmune Deficiency of Zn
deep folliculitis and cellulitis

Hypersensitivity to flea

interdigital spaces are given red, wet, nodules, ulcers, fistulas, blisters bulla, a large swelling of the hands and feet which may include metacarpal / metatarsal.

lot of pain and constant licking causes more moisture pain and infection of the nail bed (paronychia).

Treatment Treating the underlying cause.
Before treatment should be:
evaluate thyroid function

culture and sensitivity scaling for Demodex

biopsy imprint
Then the animal is anesthetized and cleaned it all fistulous tract and any injury. It makes a pad and bandage with furazolidone. After 24 hours the dressings are removed and daily foot baths are made with Pervinox or chlorhexidine.
Antibiotics for 6-8 weeks minimum. Cellulitis of German Shepherds

is a deep pyoderma, folliculitis and furunculosis that evolves cellulite.

It occurs in middle-aged animals.

The causative agent is S. intermedius (there may be Pseudomonas, E. coli, Corynebacterium).

The first symptom that appears is similar to an allergy to fleas, it's an itch in the lumbosacral area, hips and abdomen. (In general, the animal has fleas and treated wrongly by allergy to them).


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