Friday, June 11, 2010
Monolopy Property Cards
Unlike the wolf, his ancestor carnivore and hunter, our domestic dogs are able to adapt to more varied diets and even eat almost anything if they are hungry enough. However, their preference for meat, hobby to bury and protect food and a kind of tendency to gluttony are some of the legacy of the wolf eating behaviors and still remain.
not only every species has a specific nutritional needs, but the breed, size, age and activity of the dog determine the type of food you need. Thus, for example, and proportionately large breed dogs need less feed per kg. of body weight than those of the smaller breeds, working dogs, such as hunters or shooting high caloric need and also growing puppies have different nutritional needs depending on the size of their race.
Although dogs are not very demanding and can repeat menu every day, some express their preferences for certain tastes, like sweet and salty, especially the smaller breeds and larger. Luckily, dog food manufacturers have already studied these tendencies and take into account when increasing the degree of palatability of its products, thus avoiding dietary error satisfy the whims of our pet products based on inadequate.
Having a dog means taking the responsibility to feed it properly to ensure a long and healthy life
Leftovers no thanks
You can feed your pet in a home but it is not advisable because it is difficult to ensure complete and balanced supply of nutrients it needs. In addition to the amount of animal protein your body requires, your needs for vitamins and minerals are completely different from ours, such as vitamin D or C and, unless we measure accurately each nutrient, the dog would not be properly fed.
Worse is to feed the dog with food scraps, as salt, sugar, spices and excess starch that usually make up the human diet are not tolerated by the body of the dog. Even fads like chocolate, or foods such as onions, hidden in much of our sauces, can cause serious health problems to the animal, ranging from anemia to intoxication and death.
The same is true for an exclusively carnivorous diet, based on offal and other meats, including raw, which will eventually lead to severe nutritional deficiencies, or the bad habit of giving the bones of our leftovers which, in addition to not provide the nutrients, can splinter and tear the animal's digestive tract.
biscuits, bones and treats specially formulated for dogs are a good option to add variety to their diet occasionally. Power Good
Eating the right amount and the balanced composition: the is the key to good nutrition for the dog. The diet of an adult dog needs to include a minimum of 21% protein, 5% lipids or fats, 5% fiber tow and waste products as much as 50% of carbohydrates. Will also need calcium, phosphorus and taurine in suitable proportions, as well as other nutrients, which are added according to the specific needs of each dog, as is the case of antioxidants that ultimately are incorporated into feed to older dogs. The labels on these special compounds Details of these aspects and should know how to interpret the power to bring our dog. (Link to "interpret labels food). Types of feed
wet and dry diets are the options that are on the whole foods market. The main difference is the amount of moisture and, in general, one can say that the higher humidity, fewer nutrients and less calories, so eat the amount should be higher in the case of canned food.
Advantageously, the wet diet is more palatable to the animal, but preservation is more cumbersome and the price is usually higher.
temperature that food should be warm, the dog's own body as too hot can damage the gastrointestinal mucosa of the dog, while cold can cause diarrhea, vomiting, digestion cuts, etc..
For dry food, balanced feed, to the advantage of concentration of nutrients, add comfort, ease of maintenance and the benefit is a slight abrasion on the teeth performs l animal, keeping clean of tartar. Obviously, with a dry diet dogs need to consume more water, always fresh and clean and always available. Good eating habits
A dog is able to eat much more than they actually need, you can eat at any time, even without hunger, and rarely despise a juicy morsel. For your love of food will not cause problems it is necessary to follow these guidelines when feeding control:
An adult dog will receive the proper amount to its weight, race and veterinary activity itself will show.
Generally, one meal a day, preferably at the same time is enough for a healthy dog.
The best time is at noon to adjust and exits to their needs.
is important to remove the feeder when the dog is over and if you left a deposit, be reduced by the next ration.
In summer should diminish somewhat restrict the diet and fat, in winter it must be reversed.
After feed the dog rests and not appropriate to exercise with full stomach, at the risk of gastric torsion.
have to watch what you eat over there and we have to observe the condition, quantity and size and color of your stool, which should be light brown to clear, neither too soft nor too hard.
A complete power needs no additional contributions, it could unbalance the diet Special diets
To facilitate their growth, the puppy needs a greater supply of nutrients and a more frequent intake of food to meet year-old . Feeding a puppy should be moist during the first two or three weeks after weaning; moistened then to gradually move to dry. Until three months ration is divided into four doses a day for six months in three doses and after six months you can eat twice a day.
Keep in mind that growth by race have a different pace, and grow more slowly the larger the size of the race, so the puppies of large and giant breeds should be monitored especially to receive the match and adequate calcium for the formation of bone: a common problem in dogs when such developments are too high is the bone weakness. Dogs
working dogs with high activity
may need up to triple the calories than those who develop a normal activity. It is important to note that high energy requirement would represent an intake of at least 25% protein and higher levels of fats, minerals and vitamins.
If the dog has a lot of wear can be distributed on ration twice daily: a smaller, two or three hours from start business, and the rest at the regular time or when the dog has rested. Senior Dog
As the dog ages decreases their need for energy, due to lower your metabolism and lower our activities. If we do not change your diet, lowering fat as proteins, it is easy to gain weight (link with obesity) and start having digestive problems and other bodies, forced to work more in the treatment of those inappropriate foods.
aging dogs begins at different ages, by race and generally are considered old Dogs between 9 and 10 years, the middle, between 7 and 8 years and large breed dogs between 5 to 6 years.
Most diets for older dogs and include antioxidants that increase longevity and protect your immune system pregnant and lactating bitches
require special food with high caloric and vitamins especially during the last 3 or 4 weeks of gestation, with increases of up to 25% of the diet and a specially formulated for pregnant women, who usually is the same in composition of food for puppies, with high percentages of protein, calcium and other nutrients. If you try this diet is not necessary to provide extra calcium, like many owners believe, unless the veterinarian so dictate.
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