potentially dangerous dogs are called into question lately with alarming headlines in the news, after a pit bull attack that killed a child of three years in Tenerife. Experts say such attacks are rare, more related to the ability to educate the animal owner with a violent nature of this, in fact in Germany requires a training course for the owner, to properly educate your dog.
Here you can see the reflections of two experts, Charles Millet and Miguel Ibáñez:
Carlos Millet, an expert in animal behavior affects the personality, emotional stability and the preparation of the owner. "The first thing he warns, is that we are dealing with a person really able to control a dog at a critical time. " The hazards in homes, farms, streets, parks or beaches "are the result of inexperience, lack of preparation to take this animal or bad luck."
A Royal Decree of 2002 established a catalog of potentially dangerous dogs. The list includes breeds pitbull, staffordshire bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, Rottweiler, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro, Tosa Inu, Akita Inu and their crosses.
"No scientist has shown that these races, the fact that races are dangerous," says Miguel Ibanez, an ethologist at the University Complutense of Madrid. “Lo que hace peligroso a un animal es la falta de socialización en periodos sensibles”.
Según Ibáñez, no conviene separar a la cría de la madre y la camada hasta las siete semanas. En ese tiempo el animal recibe “información básica” para tener seguridad en sí mismo y menos agresividad. Entre las ocho y las 12 pueden empezar a convivir con humanos. “A esa edad los ven con normalidad y tienen reacciones ponderadas”, afirma.
“La ley es un fracaso porque se hizo con precipitación, en respuesta a un periodo de agresiones”, asevera el presidente de la protectora de animales El Refugio, Nacho Paunero. “Y determinar razas potencialmente peligrosas is his first mistake. Thousands of families have pitbulls, the attacks are somewhat isolated. "
"without being branded as undesirable certain breeds of dogs, it would be unfair, the owners of potentially dangerous dogs must think and take into account the responsibilities associated with these dogs, because on one hand is the fulfillment of obligations laws, such as administrative license to possess, and the simple caution and common sense, as these animals are carrying a leash and muzzled, observing the same behavior in the family home "
To have a dog breed enough to obtain a license, which includes psychological fitness requirements as and adequate liability insurance to third parties not less than 120,000 euros. "The government should require the owner prepared to educate your dog in Germany requires a training course," complains Ibáñez.
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