heard long ago, and I do not know how far it may be true, that the reason that produces and consumes Estepa amount of candy, it was because the quality of flour produced in the town was more suitable for the pastry for bread.
any case, the variety of traditional recipes of our grandmothers legacy is so large, that every holiday we have some specific sweet. For these dates we find, close to the Lent, made the typical "Gifts." Tradition dictates that
housewives, with their marriageable daughters and the youngest of the house, in the late afternoon to come together around the table to make molds for cupcakes, that in some homes lasted several nights, Then, a week or two before Easter went to the ovens of the bakery to make "gifts." These gifts include: muffins, donuts Hochi and twisted. Today do not know what standard of health, is prohibited anyone other than the bakeries prepare any food in bakeries, which is why this tradition has lost much of its charm. Luckily some of these bakeries produce these sweets for sale.
many memories of my childhood are linked to odors and flavors, and is one of these sweets. I remember those nights sitting at the table with a brazier of lapilli beds, making the mold and going with my mother and my sisters baked Rosarito Hornillos street.
A furnace is going in the morning to prepare the mass of the candy, fill the muffin molds, prepare and weave Hochi donuts. Around noon, "the Satit Joaquin," the husband of Rosarito, the cooked in the wood oven, and then in the afternoon went to the oven to collect them in a wicker basket. To cover these baskets my mother had a few mats with crochet lace made by her. Today
unable to go to the ovens to make gifts, these baskets and these cloths have become obsolete, and the "chime", where the oil was measured, the "bushel" flour or "pintaera" with anyone who feels molds and less around a brazier lapilli, now these are electric ...
But the memory of those days remains unchanged in my memory, and I hope to last forever.
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