What is gonorrhea ?
Gonorrhea is a common STD caused by a kidney-shaped bacteria that grows in pairs (In English, is popularly known by the names of "clap", "dose" or "drip").
How common is gonorrhea?
There are over 700,000 annual cases of gonorrhea.
Who gets gonorrhea?
Anyone who has unprotected sex with an infected person with gonorrhea can gonorrhea.
How is gonorrhea?
Gonorrhea is spread mostly through sexual intercourse, whether oral, anal or vaginal sex. There is a need for ejaculation for the disease to transmit or contract. Women are much more likely to get gonorrhea of \u200b\u200bman, that man of women. Gonorrhea can also be passed to one eye with your hand or other body part moistened with infected fluids. If a pregnant woman has gonorrhea can pass the germ in the eyes of her baby during childbirth, which can cause serious eye infection.
What are the symptoms of gonorrhea?
is possible to have gonorrhea without having any symptoms. When you do have symptoms, they may take from 1 to 30 days to develop after infection occurs (average is 3 to 5 days). With symptoms or without symptoms, as they can pass the germ to others. Symptoms of gonorrhea include:
- abnormal vaginal secretions
- Burning sensation when urinating
- Abdominal pain
- Fever Pain during sexual intercourse
- Sore throat (for gonorrhea in the throat)
- Pain, discharge and bleeding from the anus (for gonorrhea in the anus)
- redness, itching or discharge from the eye (for gonorrhea in the eye)
Your health care provider can diagnose gonorrhea by taking a urine sample or by doing a pelvic exam and cervical tests. It is important to be tested to determine if you have gonorrhea or gonorrhea. Both diseases have similar symptoms, but each requires a different treatment.
Is there a cure for gonorrhea?
Yes! Gonorrhea can be cured with antibiotics prescribed by your health care provider. If gonorrhea is treated early, can usually be cured with a single dose of antibiotics (either injected or taken by mouth). The sooner you treat gonorrhea, the easier it is to cure. If the infection has spread, take the medication for a longer time period. If the infection is serious, you may need to be hospitalized.
gonorrhea Is it dangerous?
Gonorrhea can cause serious problems if not treated early. Can cause chronic pain in the lower abdomen. Gonorrhea can spread from the vagina into the uterus and fallopian tubes and become inflammatory disease (PID) , which can cause infertility or ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy in the fallopian tubes). There is a very low risk of gonorrhea is spreading into the bloodstream and cause fever, chills, blistering skin or arthritic joints.
How I can avoid passing gonorrhea?
If you think you have gonorrhea, you should stop having sex. If you have gonorrhea, you can pass it on to someone else. You have to wait until you have completed all treatment and your health care provider says you are cured. Sure to tell all your friends (as) for sex, current and former, who have gonorrhea, because you may have infected. You may have trouble doing this, but it is very important that you do for people infected can be treated before they occur more serious health problems. You have to make sure your partner (a) sex and get tested if you are infected (a), question while you so that you do not become infected. You must also make sure to use a latex condom (or polyurethane if you are allergic to latex) every time you have vaginal intercourse, anal or oral sex.
How I can avoid getting gonorrhea ?
The best way to prevent gonorrhea is to not have sex. But if you decide to have sex, make sure use a condom every time you have vaginal intercourse, anal or oral sex.
Source: youngwomenshealth.org
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