blog, I personally used to impose secrecy to the texts he wrote, and I decided to show them until you have the "conviction", (which almost never came) that were moderately acceptable. The virtual notebook tool allowed me to interact differently with the script.
The blog came to be that platform for the instability. The ability to present ideas generated at times spontaneously. The peace of mind that you can, if you will, that circulation to remove text that does not convince us to finish or undertake corrections and re-publish it. And not to mention expanding the diffusion capacity. Not to speak of a "detachment" that has the writer on the texts of his own.
The point is that it seems that the blog is changing our idea of \u200b\u200bwriting .
Yes folks, the use of blog, brings queues. Here are some:
1 - Mixture between oral and written .
so that, if before writing differed of orality was among other things:
- vs. fixed nature. fluency,
- continuance in time vs. immediacy
- different forms paratexturales: vs. typography and illustrations. gestures and intonation, etc.,
Of course, comments can be "moderate" and even "eliminated" by the blog owner. That concerns the exposure of themselves as part of our "work." (Al comment, the commentary becomes part of the post, he catches it.) But we must recognize that this rapid exchange was quite difficult in book culture.
3 - sensory relationship with the writing is not the same as before .
The commitment to the materiality of the word underlined it really was missing: a sensory relationship with the book and expanded the language, in a time when the book began to vanishing to become virtual.
Thus, the relationship with books and notebooks involving the tactile, visual and olfactory why not blogging is reduced to essentially flat visual.
course, dwell on the materiality the blog is for another post.
4 - From the intimate to the extimate.
, in his book Intimacy as spectacle, the blog says:
5 - Revolution in our spatial coordinates instituted for reading.
The chances of exceeding the linearity imposed by a Western language whose coordinates are "right to left" and "top down." Now is the "inside", "behind", "below" (in the sense of hidden). The decline, the expansion of what is compressed.
Our ability to appreciate being configured to this new reading.
6 - The possibilities of correction: the finality not .
The blog may well be a site of experimentation, a laboratory. Has the way urgent, a special liveliness, the need for constant attention and renewal. These possibilities provide some reassurance to the blog writer. There is a spontaneity in the expression of ideas.
7 - Question "aura" of "authorship."
In the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, which could have had a unique presence takes on a massive presence. This is not new in literature, has been going on since the invention of printing. But Benjamin stops at a phenomenon that involves the production of writings: the gradual disappearance of the distinction between author and public . While readers initially significantly exceeded the number of writers, from the expansion of the number of print readers became writers - if you want casual - multiplied. "The reader is always ready to become a writer," said Benjamin.
Now The blog is a product of the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. The blog opens
dikes of possibilities for emerging writers, thanks to how easy it is to open it and write it. So the blog is working with the loss of the aura of literary works, especially with regard to authorship. In the following:
- Anyone with the use of hand can be a writer of blog. Today, it is easier to write a blog to publish books or get the press to disseminate our ideas.
- Willing as it is for anyone who wants to access, has implied the possibility that their content be copied, reproduced, appropriate. Authorship dissolves.
This is not only important aesthetically, but also has political interest. Because we are dealing with another digital resource that promotes what Mercedes Bunz call "the utopia of the copy." According to the author, utopias, which seemed to be fading as a political program, now reappear in the discourse around digital. The resource identical copy is a blaze of Utopia (Book: The utopia of copy)
In general, Argentine some writers have used the opportunity to spread the blog allows to release a series of papers, prior to the publication of a book.
This means that dimensions can complement publication. Do we prefer that over and not missing?