Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monclair Jacket Costs

Anyone can write. About the blog strategy. Facebook and sleight

"Why is writing important? Mainly out of vanity, I suppose.

Because I want to be that person, a writer,

and not because there is anything I should say. " (From the diary of Susan Sontag)

A lot has happened to them: blogger activity emerges at times like an exercise in descontracturación. Before
blog, I personally used to impose secrecy to the texts he wrote, and I decided to show them until you have the "conviction", (which almost never came) that were moderately acceptable. The virtual notebook tool allowed me to interact differently with the script.
The blog came to be that platform for the instability. The ability to present ideas generated at times spontaneously. The peace of mind that you can, if you will, that circulation to remove text that does not convince us to finish or undertake corrections and re-publish it. And not to mention expanding the diffusion capacity. Not to speak of a "detachment" that has the writer on the texts of his own.

The point is that it seems that the blog is changing our idea of \u200b\u200bwriting .
Yes folks, the use of blog, brings queues. Here are some:

1 - Mixture between oral and written .

Plato adjudged to texts written some fixity, and hence the inability to respond to the questions of the potential reader. This is what it says in the Phaedrus :

"If a letter is insulted or dismissed unfairly, you always need the help of his father, because by itself is unable to repel the attacks and defense."

is no coincidence that this thinker chose dialogue (shape that resembles the oral tradition), to disseminate their ideas.
so that, if before writing differed of orality was among other things:
- vs. fixed nature. fluency,
- continuance in time vs. immediacy
- different forms paratexturales: vs. typography and illustrations. gestures and intonation, etc.,

us agree that on blogs (including textual virtual exponents) these features have mixed , which has resulted in a written language less "straightjacket ", say. This particular flow is a relative of the written word once in private, such as diary and personal letter . This last blog has also inherited the ability to feed-back immediately.

2 - The Comment possibility.

While blogs are "locked" for exclusive access to its author, the blog-specific contribution to our relationship with writing is easy and immediate interaction . The comment that you install on your post gives us views, criticism, cries of adhesion or rejection, or just invitations to their own blogs or sites who eventually came in ours.
Of course, comments can be "moderate" and even "eliminated" by the blog owner. That concerns the exposure of themselves as part of our "work." (Al comment, the commentary becomes part of the post, he catches it.) But we must recognize that this rapid exchange was quite difficult in book culture.

3 - sensory relationship with the writing is not the same as before .

few years ago, when he was a member of the journal The Fabulario , I had the opportunity to dialogue with the author basically a project that contrasts with the blog phenomenon. The project was a water issue, an editorial in Salta that aimed to highlight the embodiment of the poetic word from an artistic treatment of paper on which was printed the work. The role thus becomes an integral field of writing. With the use of handmade paper pages generate unique and unrepeatable.

Significantly, this proposal arose as radical in 97, hot on the heels of the rise of its antithesis, the blog .
The commitment to the materiality of the word underlined it really was missing: a sensory relationship with the book and expanded the language, in a time when the book began to vanishing to become virtual.
Thus, the relationship with books and notebooks involving the tactile, visual and olfactory why not blogging is reduced to essentially flat visual.
course, dwell on the materiality the blog is for another post.

4 - From the intimate to the extimate.

With the blog, the intimacy can be made available to the public so fast, without mediation of intermediaries (publishers, booksellers). Paula Sibilia
, in his book Intimacy as spectacle, the blog says:

"Most modeled confessional diary or rather extimate daily, according to a pun that seeks to accounts of the paradoxes of this novelty is to expose our privacy in global showcases of the network. " (o. cit. pg. 16)

course, have to see how fictional is in this intimate exhibition .

5 - Revolution in our spatial coordinates instituted for reading.

The blog has the possibility of link. The haunted maze Borges, the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a "labyrinth of symbols," ( The Garden of Forking Paths is example of this), a rhizomatic story with parallel stories, with simultaneous and alternate endings, hypertext is presented in the blog.
The chances of exceeding the linearity imposed by a Western language whose coordinates are "right to left" and "top down." Now is the "inside", "behind", "below" (in the sense of hidden). The decline, the expansion of what is compressed.
Our ability to appreciate being configured to this new reading.

6 - The possibilities of correction: the finality not .

The blog may well be a site of experimentation, a laboratory. Has the way urgent, a special liveliness, the need for constant attention and renewal. These possibilities provide some reassurance to the blog writer. There is a spontaneity in the expression of ideas.

7 - Question "aura" of "authorship."

When Walter Benjamin ( The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction ) talking to mid-twentieth century loss aura of works of art, linking the phenomenon to mass culture and the use of technical resources that allow playback, among other things.
In the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, which could have had a unique presence takes on a massive presence. This is not new in literature, has been going on since the invention of printing. But Benjamin stops at a phenomenon that involves the production of writings: the gradual disappearance of the distinction between author and public . While readers initially significantly exceeded the number of writers, from the expansion of the number of print readers became writers - if you want casual - multiplied. "The reader is always ready to become a writer," said Benjamin.
Now The blog is a product of the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. The blog opens
dikes of possibilities for emerging writers, thanks to how easy it is to open it and write it. So the blog is working with the loss of the aura of literary works, especially with regard to authorship. In the following:
- Anyone with the use of hand can be a writer of blog. Today, it is easier to write a blog to publish books or get the press to disseminate our ideas.
- Willing as it is for anyone who wants to access, has implied the possibility that their content be copied, reproduced, appropriate. Authorship dissolves.
This is not only important aesthetically, but also has political interest. Because we are dealing with another digital resource that promotes what Mercedes Bunz call "the utopia of the copy." According to the author, utopias, which seemed to be fading as a political program, now reappear in the discourse around digital. The resource identical copy is a blaze of Utopia (Book: The utopia of copy)

Thus, the author sees the use of identical copy attacks the dominant logic of the economy showing things work differently, questioning the usual order and supposedly natural.

The blog also, then, can be trench attack the established order in which the copyright rests. This is the era of the fragility of copyright.

The question is whether this situation also affects the type of writing that has blogger for widespread dissemination via the Internet. (Is it left for the blog which is not included in the book?)
In general, Argentine some writers have used the opportunity to spread the blog allows to release a series of papers, prior to the publication of a book.
This means that dimensions can complement publication. Do we prefer that over and not missing?

Apostilles (Other postings on the blog)

Mairal : The blog and anxiety.

Cippolini : Writers with embedded software ... Crystal
: The writer explains in a blog: 20 reasons

Thursday, February 12, 2009

How To Wash Bloch Ballet Shoes With Le

Smile, are being registered

The other night, while looking statements "inspiring", printed on labels of objects on my desk and my bookshelves, I found suddenly a booklet the size of a coaster, published in 1970 by Editorial Cosmopolitan, called conjuring tricks. " I opened it at random and, in addition to a series of instructions such as "how to make a cigarette disappear," I found a passage that gives some tips for being a good magician. Reading it I found that these recommendations may well be used by the attentive facebook user. He then elaborated this essay in which I compare facebook with an act conjuring.

Guys, do your grace

Here are the tips (the numbering and ordering are mine):

1 - "Do not forget that require submission sleight of news, otherwise we run the risk of producing fatigue in the viewer. "

For those who take their interventions on facebook as a game of controlled exposure in the context of relationships diagrammed for that purpose, delivery of news under the guise of "my state" or "my pictures" or "news" among other common applications, is a recurring practice when not necessary to continue to be perceived, a way of giving to the other entity. Never as true as you stated here idealistic Berkeley "being is being perceived", which identifies the perceived reality.

This entity must give us build us a spectacle calculatedly, our "friends" are the "spectators" of our "privacy." Guy Debord present. Paula Sibila , too.

Yes, facebook is the new workshop and storage for the development of our privacy.
Thus, the regular at Facebook may well be compared to a magician in the show must dispense news, preferably in an entertaining way, to make the game run its course. The "minute" is an imperative. Facebook is the fabric of every minute.

2 - "constantly innovate and act with grace and amenity is as important as the game itself"
Have you ever noticed that almost no aggressive actions offensive on facebook? Is it because everyone chooses their relations framework? Perhaps, but there are a whole system designed for welfare. You can remove a friend in a way so fast as breathtaking. You can report abuse, but above all, can define the scope of our visibility to other . We choose who our friends can do this or that photo or message, or an invitation to events, and those without, for example.
The advice to the magician: "personality, friendliness and good amenities that are the qualities preferred in a magician", you may find a facebook user.
(This policy of selective friendship has always given me to think that facebook is a kind of country: an area enclosed by private security. It is one of the distinguishing features of the facebook, blog, or my space, between al.)

3 - "We must convince the public that what one says he is doing, is making really, although this is not true ..."
not in our daily life can escape the illusion. A representation. Guy Debord already said in his book "The society of the spectacle." But Facebook, the density of its virtuality, gives free rein to this possibility.

4 - "The magician must also ensure that the public help him, unconsciously, in its purposes."

without describing our unsuspecting friends, the establishment links, summaries, notes, photo album covers, can be an important resource to bring our viewers continue walking the path that we propose. To continue playing our game.

5 - "The ideal scenario is one in which the public can only be placed in front, so that there can be no observers around the illusionist"

facebook is also in this kind of relationship in two dimensions. Our viewers are located in a bi-dimensional virtual space. Access to land they propose, but can not surround.

6 - "Not to be committed the mistake of giving back to the audience the "

Facebook is the place where the faces are shown, from the front. Without ruling out alternative practices and cut photos, fake photos, pictures more or less abstract, and even cartoons and caricatures, the role of the "profile picture" on facebook is the frontal presentation of the faces. It is, in general, the face, the ambassador of the embodiment of our "friends." Body image is often cropped to the height of the face. To the best American high school yearbook style (it is said that Facebook was started as fuckbook) .

I have not talked to tricks, the art of the magician. But is that all of the above is "the" trick of sleight-inhabitant of facebook.

So the more we promote the ability to play and recreational tool of identities that we "allowed" to facebook, the more interesting our tricks are virtual.

regard of tricks, Second Life has the potential of recreating identities, subjectivities to its highest expression. Read here.

** The fragments and the photos were taken from: sleight of hand. Series: The handy helper. Edit. Cosmopolitan. 1970. Buenos Aires Page 7 of 26.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Milena Velba In Christmas

Collection, predilection

( pictures of smurfs and stamps: Damian Miroli)

Once when I was a child, a friend showed me a small chest where he kept his collection of tiny fruit gum, all he chewed irreversibly. Dough were brief, as polished clay, set in the dark velvet of the container as small colored moles crystallized. Neither he nor I need to name the issue. But now I realize that my friend opened his chest from a fold over in my perception of things. Nothing more, nothing less particular.
I must confess that this event was very well kept in my memories until today, the day almost done this writing. This and other findings were appearing in my memory since I have concentrated on understanding why I wonder so much action to collect. That kind of zeal which hitherto I have not been assiduous exponent, not so much like my nephew Santiago, who loves dinosaurs collect small format, or as my boyfriend Matthew which holds art catalogs and toys, or as Lola, the mother Matthew, drawn stacking cans and refrigerator magnets, and my friend Antonella , with his penchant for the unexpected roles miniature drawings.

The discovery of this wonderful niche appeared almost eventually, as I was determined to find visuals for my blog postings of Mona and especially after seeing a sound installation, thorough and Leopoldo multiple and Stol Juan Diosque called "Memories of the future." Here the artists offered the audience a sampling of personal belongings, sometimes fragments, tiny components of something very dear like a box of colored markers, stickers, posters, packaging, toys, tools, a non numbers of people intimate.
I started to like more than ever hologramatic effect of the one and the multiple, which is similar but also different, which gathers and preserves, space recreated in the size of a shoebox.
Feeling Flea of \u200b\u200bthe fair, the idea of \u200b\u200btrimming that emphasizes every detail, brought to my mind the theme of the collection, a task that flirts with trips to the past and utopian spaces.

Time and library
Collection is meeting, with special concern for time. There is a protective impulse.
The collection has a dual purpose of safeguarding: the ordinary, in particular.
collection is choice.

The place of the nuances
Much of what we Like in all its particularity. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe hue becomes a force that reverses the generality, on the common and repetitive, to protect it in all its diversity. Quantity into quality.


There is yet behind, or below or above of any library, a willingness to meet. The look that unifies and celebrates the board in all its variety of conceptual event.
systematic appropriation. This is a job with the space and time. Prepare a space for contemplation of a whole diverse. A box, a refrigerator door, a drawer, a wall. Crop events and arrange to be hotspots. Generate sample micro intimate space.
An image that reinforces the idea of \u200b\u200bcollection is the plant associated with its variant, the anthology . What was originally treated at a wreath or a bouquet of flowers , where each individual is an event worthy of being seen as a peculiarity of all, is what also explains the existence of an intention of meeting, attempt to cut conceptual development and conservation of what has been gathered.

Like art, aesthetic utopia

And more. Action Collecting brings an implicit statement of principles about what is the concept of gender , which broke out in many definitions as there are possible collections.
Yes, the careful design of the library operates from a surreptitious theory of classification. Elements we think of as belonging to a number (individuals of genres): cans, catalogs, dinosaurs, bottle caps, cans, coins, records, instruments, are somehow placed in charts based on selection criteria and classification can be most unusual. Operations so many creative possibilities and perplexities are also in textual forms and catalog list. Literary species that can lead to limit our ability to create imaginary meeting spaces. And here I bowed to Foucault of Words and things , with whom I share the laughter, but also concern about the strangeness of certain classifications.

As the child of my childhood, protected from the time put their repertoire of chewed gum, the action of collecting and operates from a systematic re-creative momentum that allows the non-categorization and again and again.

is this potential to make extraordinary spaces and amazing systems that joins me in zeal to those seeking to libraries. It is their aesthetic utopia (or heterotopia maybe?). Again Foucault.

I see the collector as the artist of an order potentially exotic. Sovereign of extra-ordinary space built for himself. A place where the notion of gender is defined in an act subject to the pleasure. Action that makes the classification itself, ie the category constructed in an individual more in the world of shades. A flower bouquet more than unclassified.